Post by: Viper21
"SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".... Seems pretty easy to comprehend to me.
How's all that gun control working out in Chicago..? Kalifornia..? NYC...? Baltimore..? Seems to me, the places with the strictest gun laws, have the highest murder rates. Hmmm....
I'll never be able to understand how punishing lawful gun owners prevents crimes from nut jobs. No matter the restrictions, laws, etc... somebody hell bent on taking life will find a way. Preventing good people from ...
"SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED".... Seems pretty easy to comprehend to me.
How's all that gun control working out in Chicago..? Kalifornia..? NYC...? Baltimore..? Seems to me, the places with the strictest gun laws, have the highest murder rates. Hmmm....
I'll never be able to understand how punishing lawful gun owners prevents crimes from nut jobs. No matter the restrictions, laws, etc... somebody hell bent on taking life will find a way. Preventing good people from ...