Post by: bali
you got it WAY backwards. You dream about knowing what I know. The FBI wasted 8 million $ (in today's money) of our tax dollars, making up bs excuses for having COMPLETELY missed Platt over 40x, at ranges under 5 yds. What hits they got, other than the execution 3 shots as he sat there, bled out, unarmed and helpless, were all peripheral luck hits. The luck hit to his brachial artery and lung was all that saved them. If he'd had an AK, steel cored ammo, ear protection and concealable armor, ...
you got it WAY backwards. You dream about knowing what I know. The FBI wasted 8 million $ (in today's money) of our tax dollars, making up bs excuses for having COMPLETELY missed Platt over 40x, at ranges under 5 yds. What hits they got, other than the execution 3 shots as he sat there, bled out, unarmed and helpless, were all peripheral luck hits. The luck hit to his brachial artery and lung was all that saved them. If he'd had an AK, steel cored ammo, ear protection and concealable armor, ...