Post by: M1A4ME
When I was younger and my eyes were so very good and I was more stable shooting off hand I never minded the width of the front sights on the 1911's, the S&W or Ruger revolvers. Never gave a thought to it. What I did want, for a carry gun, was a little more distance between the sides of the front sight and the notch in the rear sights. I'd take my S&W and Ruger revolver rear sights apart and file the side of the notch to give me a little more clearance. On the 1911 (Combat Commander) ...
When I was younger and my eyes were so very good and I was more stable shooting off hand I never minded the width of the front sights on the 1911's, the S&W or Ruger revolvers. Never gave a thought to it. What I did want, for a carry gun, was a little more distance between the sides of the front sight and the notch in the rear sights. I'd take my S&W and Ruger revolver rear sights apart and file the side of the notch to give me a little more clearance. On the 1911 (Combat Commander) ...